Friday, July 17, 2009


I certainly didn't expect the week to turn out the way it has.
Turmoil is the best way to describe it I suppose.
Here's the long short version.

Monday - kickoff day for Young Scholars Medical Program (YSMP).
This is the part where Anne the student leader who has done phenomenal work this summer on the program gets to actually lead! (i'm pretty sure she's enjoying it)
We had a luncheon at the University Club for the students that I and the Dean of the program attended. Joel, the reason behind the program and the guy who keeps it financed and my big boss for the last 5 years stopped in to give the students a welcome.

Tuesday - Did the intro for the LifeFlight portion of the YSMP day since I work with LF. Then had time to kill on campus and went to visit my old boss. That's when the bombshell came. Joel told us he's leaving at the end of the month. Tears were shed. Professional? No, but I don't care. I was very very grateful to have a private 20 minutes to talk with him about the impact he's had on me and my time here. Sadness descended.

Wednesday. - Rumor and gossip disarray and uncertainty!

Thursday - More rumor and gossip. eek! Why does nobody have a crystal ball?
Then my wonderful friend JJ suggested a yoga class at a studio (instead of a living room- ha!) after work and what a gift that turned out to be. I had forgotten what it's like to sit in silence and focus on the inside of your body. R E C E N T E R E D

Friday - what a better day this will be. I watered my plants in the backyard and am so grateful for the mild summer we've had! My hostas are healthy and my impatiens are overflowing from their planter. Even my hydrangea (another gift from Todd) is healthy. Turned on the sprinkler to start the grass seed growing and went inside to get ready for work. You can tell i have an old house...the sprinkler being on prevented the toilet from flushing. Yay for water pressure. ha!
Off to the office to face the day with a new mantra! "everything's gonna be alright now... everything's gonna be alright."

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